Publications: 2000 - Present

Zola, S.M., Squire, L.R., Teng, E., Stefanacci, L. Buffalo, E.A. & Clark, R. Impaired recognition memory in monkeys after damage limited to the hippocampal region. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 451-463, 2000.

Squire, L.R. and Paller, K.A. Biology of Memory. In: Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, Vol. 1, 7th Edition, pp. 425-437. Lippincott Williams & Willkins, NY, 2000.

Clark, R.E. and Squire, L.R. Awareness and the conditioned eyeblink response. In: D.S. Woodruff-Pak & J.E. Steinmetz (Eds.), Eyeblink Classical Conditioning: Volume I. Applications in Humans. pp. 229-251, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell, MA. 2000.

Schmolck, H., Buffalo, E.A., and Squire, L.R. Memory distortions develop over time: Recollections of the O.J. Simpson Trial Verdict after 15 and 32 months. Psychological Science, 11, 39-45, 2000.

Manns, J.R., Clark, R.E., and Squire, L.R. Awareness predicts the magnitude of single-cue trace eyeblink conditioning. Hippocampus, 19, 181-186, 2000

Zola, S.M. and Squire, L.R. The medial temporal lobe and the hippocampus. In: Tulving, E. and Craik, F.I.M., The Oxford Handbook of Memory, pp. 501-520, Oxford University Press, 2000.

Teng, E., Stefanacci, L., Squire, L.R. and Zola, S.M. Contrasting effects on discrimination learning following hippocampal lesions or conjoint hippocampal-caudate lesions in monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 3853-3863, 2000.

Stark, C.E.L. and Squire, L.R. Recognition memory and familiarity judgments in severe amnesia: No evidence for a contribution of repetition priming. Behavioral Neuroscience, 114, 459-467, 2000.

Stark. C.E.L. and Squire, L.R. fMRI activity in the medial temporal lobe during recognition memory as a function of study-test interval. Hippocampus, 10: 329-337, 2000.

Stefanacci, L., Buffalo, E.A., Schmolck, H., and Squire, L.R. Profound amnesia after damage to the medial temporal lobe: A neuroanatomical and neuropsychological profile of patient E.P. Journal of Neuroscience,7024-7036, 2000.

Stark, C.E.L. and Squire, L.R. fMRI activity in the hippocampal region during recognition memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 7776-7781, 2000.

Manns, J.R., Clark, R.E. and Squire, L.R. Parallel acquisition of awareness and trace eyeblink classical conditioning. Learning and Memory, 7, 267-272, 2000.

Stark, C.E.L. and Squire, L.R. Intact visual perceptual discrimination in humans in the absence of perirhinal cortex. Learning and Memory, 7, 273-278, 2000.

Kitchener, E.G. and Squire, L.R. Impaired verbal category learning in amnesia. Behavioral Neuroscience, 114, 907-911, 2000.

Manns, J.R., Stark, C.E.L. and Squire, LR. The visual paired-comparison task as a measure of declarative memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 97, 12375-12379, 2000.

Kandel, E.R. and Squire, L.R. Neuroscience: Breaking down scientific barriers to the study of brain and mind. Science, 290, 1113-1120, 2000.

Clark, R.E., Zola, S.M. and Squire, L.R. Impaired recognition memory in rats after damage to the hippocampus. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 8853-8860, 2000.

Buffalo, E.A., Ramus, S.J., Squire, L.R. and Zola, S.M. Perception and recognition memory in monkeys following lesions of area TE and perirhinal Cortex. Learning and Memory, 7, 375-382, 2000.

Schmolck, H., Stefanacci, L., & Squire, L.R. Detection and explanation of ambiguity are unaffected by hippocampal lesions but are impaired by larger temporal lobe lesions. Hippocampus, 10, 759-770, 2000.

Schmolck, H. and Squire, L.R. Impaired perception of facial emotions following bilateral damage to the anterior temporal lobe. Neuropsychology.15, 30-38, 2001.

Squire, L.R., Clark, R.E. and Knowlton, B.J. Retrograde amnesia. Hippocampus, 11, 50-55, 2001.

Squire, L.R. (Ed.) The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Volume III, Academic Press, New York, 2001.

Squire, L.R. Dictionary of Biological Psychology, entries: pp 8, 4, 212, 274, 383, 631, 737, 788, Routledge, London, 2001.

Squire, L.R., Schmolck, H., and Buffalo, E. Memory distortions develop over time: A reply to Horn, Psychological Science, 12, p 182, 2001.

Zola, S.M. and Squire, L.R. Relationship between magnitude of damage to the hippocampus and impaired recognition memory in monkeys, Hippocampus, 11, 92-98, 2001.

Clark, R.E., West, A.N., Zola, S.M., and Squire, L.R. Rats with lesions of the Hippocampus are impaired on the delayed nonmatching-to-sample task, Hippocampus, 11, 176-186, 2001.

Clark, R.E., Manns, J.R. and Squire, L.R. Trace and delay eyeblink conditioning: Contrasting phenomena of declarative and nondeclarative memory. Psychological Science, 12, 304-308, 2001.

Manns, J.R., Clark, R.E., and Squire, L.R. Single-cue delay eyeblink conditioning is unrelated to awareness. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2, 192-198, 2001.

Squire, L.R., Schmolck, H., and Stefanacci. Memory, language, and neuroanatomy. A reply. Brain and Language 78, 273-275, 2001.

Squire, L.R. The Many Faces of Memory, Nature Neuroscience 4, 867-868, 2001.

Stark, C.E.L., and Squire, L.R., Simple and associative recognition in the hippocampal region, Learning & Memory 8, 190-197, 2001.

Squire, L.R., Schmolck, H., and Stark, S. Impaired auditory recognition memory in amnesic patients with medial temporal lobe lesions. Learning & Memory, 8, 252-256, 2001.

Messinger, A., Squire, L.R., Zola, S.M., and Albright T.D. Neuronal representations of visual stimulus associations develop in the temporal lobe during learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98, 12239-12244, 2001.

Squire, L.R. Review of The Seven Sins of Memory: How the Mind Forgets and Remembers, Nature, 413, 471-572, 2001.

Stark, C.E.L., and Squire, L.R. When zero is not zero: the problem of ambiguous baseline conditions in fMRI. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98, 12760-12766, 2001.

Squire, L.R. in-cites,, November, 2001.

Manns, J.R. and Squire, L.R. Perceptual learning, awareness, and the hippocampus. Hippocampus, 11, 776-782, 2001.

Zola, S.M. and Squire, L.R. Declarative memory, neural basis of. In: N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 5, 3340-3343, Elsevier, Oxford, 2001.

Squire, L.R. Autobiographical entry. In: The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science, Third Edition, W.E. Craighead and C.B. Nemeroff (Eds.), Vol 4, 1611, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.

Stark, Craig E.L. and Squire L.R. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). McGraw-Hill 2002 Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002.

Manns, J.R., Clark, R.E., and Squire, L.R., Standard delay eyeblink classical conditioning is independent of awareness, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Process, Vol 28, 32-37, 2002.

Broadbent, N.J., Clark, R.E., Zola, S., and Squire, L.R. The medial temporal lobe and memory. In: L.R. Squire and D.L. Schacter (Eds.), The Neuropsychology of Memory, 3rd Edition, New York: Guilford Publications, Inc., 2002.

Squire, L.R. and Schacter, D.L. The Neuropsychology of Memory, 3rd Edition, Guilford Publications, Inc., 2002.

Kandel, E.R. and Squire, L.R. Neuroscience: Breaking Down Scientific Barriers to the Study of Brain and Mind. In: I. Amato (Ed.), Science: Pathways of Discovery. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002, 189-209.

Clark, R.E., Broadbent, N.J., Zola, S.M., and Squire, L.R. Anterograde amnesia and temporally-graded retrograde amnesia for a nonspatial memory task following lesions of hippocampus and subiculum, Journal of Neuroscience, 22, 4663-4669, 2002.

Bayley, P.J. and Squire, L.R. Medial temporal lobe amnesia: gradual acquisition of factual information by nondeclarative memory, Journal of Neuroscience, 22, 5741-5748, 2002.

Schmolck, H., Kensinger, A., Corkin, S., and Squire, L.R. Semantic knowledge in patient H.M.and other patients with bilateral medial and lateral temporal lobe lesions, Hippocampus, 12, 520-533, 2002.

Stark, C.E.L, Bayley, P. J., and Squire, L.R. Recognition memory for single items and for associations is similarly impaired following damage limited to the hippocampal region. Learning & Memory, 238-242, 2002.

Manns, J.R., Squire, L.R. The medial temporal lobe and memory for facts and events. In: A. Baddeley, B. Wilson, and M. Kopelman (Eds.), Handbook of Memory Disorders, 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2002, 81-99.

Zola, S.M., Squire, L.R. Memory and brain systems: A story that has no ending. In: Georges Mazur (Ed.) Twenty-five Year Commemoration of the Life of A.R. Luria, 1902-1977. New York: Semenenko Foundation, 2002.

Clark, R.E, Manns, J.R., and Squire, L.R. Classical Conditioning, Awareness, and Brain Systems. Trends in Cognitive Science, 6, 524-531, 2002.

Squire, L.R., Bloom, F.E., McConnell, S.K., Roberts, J.L., Spitzer, N.C., and Zigmond, M.J. (Eds.). Fundamental Neuroscience, Second Edition. Academic Press, New York, 2003.

Manns, J.R., Hopkins, R.O., Reed, J.M., Kitchener, E.G., Squire, L.R. Recognition memory and the human hippocampus. Neuron 37, 171-180, 2003.

Squire, L.R., Contributor to: Learning and memory, pp.217-225 and Amnesias, pp. 635-638. In: F. Bloom, F. Beal, and D. Kupfer (Eds.) The Dana Guide to Brain Health. Free press, New York, 2003.

Squire, L.R., Memory consolidation: prolonged process of reorganization. In: J. Byrne, H. Eichenbaum, H. Roediger, II, and R.F. Thompson (Eds.) Learning and Memory, Second Edition, Macmillan Psychology References Series, Macmillan Reference USA, 2003, 369-372.

Manns, J.R., Hopkins, R.O., Squire, L.R. Semantic Memory and the Human Hippocampus. Neuron, 37, 127-133, 2003.

Bayley, P.J., Hopkins, R.O., Squire, L.R. Successful recollection of remote autobiographical memories by amnesic patients with medial temporal lobe lesions. Neuron, 37, 135-144, 2003.

Stark, C.E.L and Squire, L.R. Hippocampal damage equally impairs memory for single items and memory for conjunctions, Hippocampus, 13, 281-292, 2003.

Squire, L.R. Review of Memory from A to Z, Nature, 423, p. 119, 2003.

Bayley, P.J. and Squire, L.R. The medial temporal lobe and declarative memory. In: T. Ono, G. Matsumoto, R.R. Llinas, A. Berthoz, R. Norgren, H. Nishijo, R. Tamura (Eds.) Cognition and Emotion of the Brain, 245-259, Elsevier BV, 2003.

Squire, L.R. Forward. In: J.D. Sweatt (Ed.). Mechanisms of Memory, p. xi, Elsevier USA, 2003.

Levy, D.A., Manns, J.R., Hopkins, R.O., Gold, J.J., Broadbent, N.J., and Squire, L.R. Impaired visual and odor recognition memory span in patients with hippocampal lesions. Learning & Memory, 10, 531-536, 2003.

Zola, S.M. and Squire, L.R. Genetics of childhood disorders:XLIX. Learning and memory, part 2: multiple memory systems. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 42,504-6, 2003.

Squire, L.R. (Ed.) The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography, Volume 4, Academic Press, New York, 2003.

Kritchevsky, M., Chang, J., Squire, L.R. Functional amnesia: clinical description and neuropsychological profile of 10 cases. Learning & Memory, 11, 213-226, 2004.

Levy, D.A., Bayley, P.J., Squire, L.R. The anatomy of semantic knowledge: medial vs. lateral temporal lobe, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.,101, 6710-6715, 2004.

Wixted, J.T and Squire, L.R. Recall and recognition are equally impaired in patients with selective hippocampal damage. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 4., 58-66, 2004.

Squire, L.R., Stark, C.E.L., Clark, R.E. The Medial Temporal Lobe. Annual Review of Neuroscience, Vol. 27, 279-306, 2004.

Squire, LR. Memory Systems of the Brain: A brief history and current perspective. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 82, 171-177, 2004.

Levy, D.A., Stark, C.E.L., and Squire, L.R. Intact conceptual priming in the absence of declarative memory. Psychological Science, 15, 680-685, 2004.

Broadbent, N., Squire, L.R., Clark, R.E. Spatial memory, recognition memory, and the hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 101, 14515-14520, 2004.

Wixted, J.T and Squire, L.R. Recall, recognition, and the hippocampus. Reply to Yonelinas, et al. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, 4, 401-406, 2004.

Squire, L.R., Clark, R.E., and Bayley, P.J. Medial Temporal Lobe Function and Memory. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences, 3rd Edition, M. Gazzinaga (Ed.), 691-708, 2004.

Clark, R.E. and Squire, L.R. The importance of awareness for eyeblink conditioning is conditional: Theoretical Comment on Bellebaum and Daum (2004). Behavioral Neuroscience (Commentary), 1466-1468.

updated 12/13/04
